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    Фото-блог > Записки фотографа > Problems when photographing jewelry

    Problems when photographing jewelry

    Subject photography of jewelry is one of the most complex types of goods advertising photography.

    Not every subject photographer carries on such a photo session. Thereby high-quality photos of jewelry are a sign of the photographer’s high skill and also great practical experience and knowledge.This blog is about most typical problems and mistakes in photographing jewelry.

    Photographing of goods - earrings made of silver

    Photographing of goods — earrings made of silver

    — negligent preparation of the subject;

    The main obstacle for the photographer when photographing jewelry is impure look of the product. Dust, specks, fingerprints are all unacceptable things when photographing. The subject of the shooting must be clean — this is the rule. And do not rely on Photoshop, firstly, it is much work, secondly, the natural look and shine of jewelry cannot be expressed this way. It will create an effect of blurring or unnatural appearance. In addition, you must always pay attention to the integrity of the product. Check the availability of all the details, stones, glasses, links … All in all, cleanliness is the key to success and saving time.

    — incoordination and incoherence in photograhing process;

    In other words it’s necessary to keep unity of style. Product advertising photography is not only art, but also a process united by certain logical principles. Compliance with these principles and rules gives integrity, completeness, and hence attractiveness to the finished photo-catalog. On the contrary, photos taken in different styles confuse potential buyers, make it difficult to perceive the concept of the entire photoset or album and as a result prevent from making the right choice. Therefore, do not «play» with different shooting parameters, crop the picture at your discretion, change the tone of the background, use different lighting and camera angles. On the contrary, develop your own photography standard and stick to it during the entire photo session. As a conclusion, develop and keep to your own style.

    — an attention distracting background;

    Subject survey of jewelry

    Difficult moments when photographing jewelry

    As mentioned earlier, the background in product photography should be uniform. But besides this it is important to follow the rule: the background should help the perception of the subject and not distract from it. Therefore, we must be very cautious about the use of color, and even more so, multi-colored backgrounds. Their use is a very rare case. The most acceptable when photographing jewelry is the use for backgrounds of white or gray. If you can see (and the customer agrees with you) that the product looks attractive, for example, on a black, dark gray background or with a shade of a different color, be free to apply it, but keep to particular style.
    — nothing extra!;

    If you are not performing fashion shooting and you do not need to show a piece of jewelry in combination with other accessories, then do not congest the image with objects other than the jewelry itself. It is the jewelry that is the spotlight on the final photo, and that is possible only if the viewer’s attention is not distracted by anything else — only the subject and some light background.

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